West section of Jinping Avenue,Dangyang,Hubei province,China

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Mon -Sat: 7:00 - 17:00


Why promote the use of skid-mounted refueling devices?

The skid-mounted refueling device, that is, the self-purchased skid-mounted refueling station within the enterprise, is a combination of road fire safety and explosion-proof storage tanks, fuel guns, automatic fire extinguishers, vapor recovery devices, safety testing and other machinery and equipment. The overall transfer of road oiling equipment.

01.jpgCompanies with a lot of vehicles at this stage, such as freight logistics companies, freight companies and their parking lots, ports, factories and mines, and administrative agencies and schools, are all suffering from the confusion of the company’s cooking oil. The company’s transportation teams and construction vehicles use cooking oil. With the help of small mobile tank trucks for delivery, the second is that the simple gas filling stations built by the company do not have fire safety and explosion-proof standards, and their safety violates regulations, creating many safety risks for the company.

Cars of large and medium-sized group companies are centralized, and the gas stations are far apart, and the cars are fed back and forth, which consumes more time and more gasoline and diesel, which increases operating costs and reduces work efficiency.


truck go out to give gas, lack of control over the use of vehicle transportation fuel, and it is difficult to calculate the cost. Some unscrupulous drivers often misreport gas money, steal gas, and sell gas.

The application of simple oil storage tanks and trucks for fueling is not only harmful to the company's brand image, but also extremely unsafe. There is no professional acquisition system software and pollution discharge limit, which will cause damage to the natural environment.